All the Hype

Monday, April 4, 2011

Week Ten: We are the salt

Hello! I hope everyone had a good first week back and was able to get in the swing of things again after spring break! This week, I wanted to focus on one verse, Matthew 5:13. It says

“You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor? Can you make it salty again? It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless.”

First, let’s look at the importance of salt in our regular lives. It performs two important functions. It is the commonest of all preservatives and keeps things from going bad. Salt also gives taste and flavor to food. Food without salt is insipid. In both cases, salt is used to improve the food whether it be by taste or by making it last longer. You should also be able to notice when salt is on your food because if the salt isn’t affecting it, then the salt really has no value or purpose.

So how are Christians the salt of the earth? We are meant to affect others positively. We are called to let our “good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise [our] heavenly father.” (Mat 5:16). If Christians make no effort to affect the world around them, then they are of little value to God. If we are too much like the world, we are worthless. Why claim to be a Christian if you‘re not going to lie for Christ? I’m not talking about being perfect or never sinning, that’s impossible. But as Christians, when we claim Jesus as our Savior we make the choice to be decidedly different than the rest of the world. Our entire life focus shifts from worldly things to things of God. This shift should be so evident in our lives that we simply can’t help but to ‘season’ our surroundings with the love and joy that is in us. People should be able to smell and taste and see our flavor when we interact with them because the positive affect Christ has in our lives is so apparent.

So ask yourselves, have you lost your flavor? Are you a Christian yet you still blend in with the rest of your surroundings? How are you using the love of Christ in you to bring out the best in others and in your every day circumstances? This verse was our theme for Beach Reach this year and it really was a wake up call to me so I hope it gives y’all something to think about too. See ya tomorrow! (Remember, come early or stay after for the fundraising bake sale :] )

Currently Listening to: Poison Tree by Ghost Ship Recording (just go here, it’s so good if you like acoustic stuff )

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